
The largest multidiscipline hospital in the structure of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation


Market research before engaging in promotion

During 2019, there was a drop in the website's ranking, the client wanted to figure out why the website did not rank in top10 in spite of the funds invested.


–Conduct a comprehensive audit of SEO and SEA;
–Develop SEA and SEO strategies based on the audit results


–Audit the website for technical and functional errors with special audit tools.
–Audit the website performance and promotional techniques with Serpstat tools
–Analyse the ads of the hospital (without access to the advertising account)


–Critical violations impairing the website performance and usability have been detected.
–It has been revealed that the key website performance indicators, such as visibility and traffic, have begun to impair due to the lack of regular work with SEO. Inefficient work on low-frequency keywords did not bring any traffic.

–Keywords positions have been tracked

–Website content needs to be improved, there are lots of articles that are not SEO optimized, tags are not filled in properly
–A superficial analysis of contextual advertising was performed (without access to the advertising account). It has been found out that the ad was set for the brand keywords and key phrases. It results in unnecessary costs

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