
The company provides professional legal services to the residents of Moscow and other regions of Russia

Legal services


increase the number of enquires and applications from the website. Increase traffic with organic search results.

Target audience

Men / Women 25-50 years old, who have a business, loans, active credit history (with overdue payments), low or average income.


–conduct competitive analysis and market research.
–identify competitors' weaknesses
–build a semantic core
–rewrite articles on the website for key requests
–improve the website usability (call for actions for better website conversion, installation of a chat, client and call generator, integration)
–improve the technical part of the website (download speed, click-through rate)
–continuous copywriting
–increase the number of links to the website
–increase the number of references to the company on the Internet
–put links (ads) on free thematic forums



–increase in daily traffic + 100 people per day
–increase in the number of applications by 215%
–the website is in TOP 10 Yandex search results for 418 targeted key words and phrases

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